The star system calculates the number of pieces that were handled by Conchology, Inc. in the last 21 years:
0 – 5 pieces
6 stars
6 – 10 pieces
5 stars
11 - 25 pieces
4 stars
26 - 75 pieces
3 stars
76 - 150 pieces
2 stars
> 150 pieces
1 star
We want to point out that the star system is only very reliable for PHILIPPINE shells only, as we handle very few foreign shells in general. As time goes, the system will become more and more performant.
Volume 5: A Taxonomic Introduction to the Recent Volutidae
Volume 5: A Taxonomic Introduction to the Recent Volutidae
Info: That part gives on 30 pages of text a most actual overview on the systematic and taxonomy of the representatives of the family Volutidae in the opinion of the both authors, including all Recent species, subspecies, forms and variations known. There are descriptions and definitions of several new subgenera and tribes. So it is an undispensable check–list for each collector of the family, as well as for curators of museums collections and marine malacologists, amateurs or professionals. Five colour–plates, exhibiting "except one genus" the type–species of every described genus, or if the type is a fossil of the most resembling Recent species, , allow to get an impression of the peculiarities of each genus.