“Shell large (holotype 21.6 mm long, 8.8 mm in diameter), thick, apical quarter of shell conical, remainder roughly cylindrical, with round aperture. Protoconch increasing in diameter from 0.6 mm to 3.0 mm in 2.5 whorls. First 3/4 whorl smooth, followed by appearance of fine, closely-spaced, axial growth striae that increase in prominence. Transition to teleoconch marked by slight increase in shell diameter and onset of much broader, more widely spaced axial ribs. Teleoconch of 10 low whorls, quadrate in profile due to prominent axial ribs. Suture strongly adpressed. Axial sculpture of broad, angular ribs (23–25 per whorl), with interspaces slightly wider than ribs. Ribs abut against anterior edge of rib on previous whorl, aligning within interspaces, forming an angle of ~188 to the coiling axis of the shell. Spiral sculpture absent. Aperture expands, deflecting suture adapically ~ 1/5 whorl prior to forming flared lip, indicative of terminal growth. Aperture broad, nearly circular, peristomal rim nearly uniform in width. Parietal wall forming an angle of 538 with coiling axis. Single parietal tooth near juncture of parietal wall and columella. Umbilicus imperforate, obscured by expanded lip.”