Shining Strophia.
Plate VII, 16 & 16A, shell. and Fig. 8, A, front B, left side,.
SP. CH. Size, medium. Shell, thick and rather heavy. Striations, absent. Teeth, two, and very long. Whirls, 11. Examined 300 specimens.
Form of shell, a rather pointed oval, the first whirl is, however, the largest in diameter, the second is a little smaller, and each of the remainder is considerably less in size, thus the shell slopes rapidly to a rather blunt point, making an angle of about 55 degrees. There are only faintly defined lines of growth that assume more prominence on the back of the upper whirl. Sutures, not deep.
Aperture, large, open, measuring a little more just within than at the entrance. The lower tooth is prominent, .05 high, .24 long, and its position is just a little to the right of the center; the upper is not as prominent but measures about .04, and makes a complete turn around the column.
Margin, not produced forward beyond the diameter of the shell, nor inclined to either side, is not greatly thickened, measuring .06. and the outer posterior portion is provided with a thin, not prominent edge. The frontal bar is well developed.
Color of shell, externally, shining white; internally, purplish brown, which gradually fades into yellowish on the teeth and margin.
Size of type; 1.10 by .50. Largest specimen, 1.12 by .54; smallest, 1.00 by.44. Greatest diameter, .52; smallest, .44. Longest specimen, 1.12; shortest, ,44.
This species is very uniform in size and form, but some specimens show a tendency to become more obtuse.
Known from the allied S. acuta by the larger size and more obtuse form, and from S. levigata by the smaller size and smooth surface. From all others by the long teeth and absence of striations.
The Shining Strophias occurred in numbers, in exposed situations in the patches of Guinea grass that grew on the margin of the path, of which I have spoken elsewhere, that crosses the west end of Little Cayman. They were clinging to the stems of the grass, at the roots of
which lay hundreds of dead specimens. They appeared to be restricted to two or three of these small clearings."