"Cerion (Strophiops) watlingense new species. Pl. LVIII, fig. 7.
Shell small, plump, attenuated before and behind, yellowish white with occasional brown mottlings chiefly between the whitish ribs; peristome yellowish with a brown flush deep in the throat. There are about two brownish smooth nuclear and eight subsequent ribbed whorls; the ribs are nearly vertical, close set with slightly wider regular interspaces, the ribs are of full strength immediately in front of the suture and over the base of the adult; the apex is attenuated in an even curve, the last whorl is more slender than its predecessor, toward the aperture it rises suddenly so that the posterior angle of the aperture is considerably above the middle of the whorl. There are about 28-30 ribs on the penultimate whorl, and no traces of spiral sculpture. The peristome is simple, moderately thickened and reflected, with a thin callus on the body; the parietal fold is strong and short, the axial fold feeble from in front but within well defined; the umbilicus is closed. The size of the eleven specimens collected is unusually uniform.
Height. Aperture. Max. Diameter.
25 9 10 mm.
22 7.5 10 "
are the extreme measurements.
No Cerion has yet been noted from Watling Island, a mention of C. glans in my "Wild Duck" report having been due to an error. This and the following species are therefore the first positively known to come from that island. Though not found by Mr. Bryant, the existence of several unnamed forms was first realized on making an attempt to identify some of his species. As this seems a suitable place for the descriptions they are included. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 132,970." (Dall, 1905:438)