"The shell is cylindric, having 9% whorls, the last 5 of which are of about equal size and decrease slightly in diameter towards the aperture giving the sheIl a topheavy appearance; the remaining whorls form the very short, blunt apical cone. The suture is impressed for the first 3 whorls, then it becomes squeezed out into a ridge which reaches it maximum protrusion on the 5th and 6th whorls, after that the ridge becomes more and more pushed in until on the last whorl the suture is slightly impressed. Thick, white, regularly set ribs ornament the shell axially. Between and parallel to these the almost perfectly smooth ground is roughened by occasional wrinkles, often obsolete. On the dorsal anterior surface of the last whorl a raised ridge appears. The color is pale ecru-drab, deepening in places. The throat is light buff. The umbilical chink is deep. The parietal lamella enters about 1/3 of a whorl, the axial lamella about 2 whorls. In some specimens the suture is impressed for the last 4 whorls, the exact beginning of the impression of the sutures and the degree vary in different specimens."