Cerion by Harasewych | Conchology - Cerion by Harasewych

Cerion piraticus

Clench, 1937

Cerion (Strophiops) piraticus Clench, 1937:64-65, pl. 3, fig. 1
Original Description:
Geographic Distribution:
Mayaguana Island, Bahama Islands
Type Locality:
Southeast Point, twelve miles southeast of Abraham's Bay, Mariguana Island, Bahama Islands
[22° 23' N, -72° 57' W]

Type Material:
Holotype, MCZ 57926
Additional Records:
Mayaguana sta. 1 [22° 26.13' N, -73° 6.1' W]. USNM 1116872 On bushes, road from Baycaner Resort to lighthouse, Pirates Well, Mayaguana Island, Bahamas cf. piraticus - based on thick lip. Alan Gettleman May 2, 2008
MolluscaBase Information:
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