Cerion mossi Clench, 1952 is a new name for Cerion paucicostatum Clench, 1934, non Cerion paucicostatum Pilsbry, 1929.
Clench (1934:210) noted that "The material obtained at Weymss Bight completely hybridizes with the variety indianorum, herein described. Extremes of these two forms are astonishingly different but in the collection made, which numbers well over 2000 specimens, every intergrading form exists. Elsewhere, the typical form occurs as a pure race.
In relationship this species appears to be distantly related to C. eleutherae Pils. and Van. which probably exists somewhere in the northern portion of the island. The exact locality of eleutherae has never been ascertained. C. paucicostatum differs from C. eleutherae by being much less conic, possessing fewer and heavier ribs, having a reflected and somewhat beveled lip and not the back fold or collared lip found in eleutherae .