Cerion by Harasewych | Conchology - Cerion by Harasewych

Cerion striatellum

Guerin-Meneville, 1829

Original Description:
Geographic Distribution:
Puerto Rico
Type Locality:
Puerto Rico
Type Material:

Additional Records:
PR-1 [0° 0' N, 0° 0' E]. Invalid Month ,
MolluscaBase Information:
No MolluscaBase Information Found.

The taxon Pupa striatella was attributed to Férussac but never published by this author. Rather, it was described by Guerin-Manneville 1829, listing the "Antilles" as the type locality.   Küster (1847) and others attributed this binomen to specimens from Puerto Rico, but Poey and Pilsbry (1902) applied C. striatellum to a species from Cabo Cruz, Cuba, while referring to the Puerto Rican species as Cerion crassilabris "Shuttleworth" Sowerby (1875).

Subsequently, Pilsbry (1943) recognized that the species from Puerto Rico was really C. striatellum and that Pupa crassilabris "Shuttleworth" Sowerby (1875), a junior homonym of Pupa crassilabris Parreyss in Pfeiffer, 1848.

Gould and Paull (1977:5) recount this nomenclatural history. 

Dall (1894:119) lists this species as occurring at "Glass Window" Eleuthera Island. noting "small and delicate."

Pilsbry (1902:279 , 280) mentions a Pupa striatella Humphrey, 1797 in Museum Calonnianum p. 64, merely listed without description or references.  = nomen nudum.

Clench (1952:108) commented that Dall's (1894:119) reference to C. striatellum was probably either C. glans or C. glans coryi.

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