The taxon Pupa striatella was attributed to Férussac but never published by this author. Rather, it was described by Guerin-Manneville 1829, listing the "
Subsequently, Pilsbry (1943) recognized that the species from
Gould and Paull (1977:5) recount this nomenclatural history.
Dall (1894:119) lists this species as occurring at "Glass Window"
Pilsbry (1902:279 , 280) mentions a Pupa striatella Humphrey, 1797 in Museum Calonnianum p. 64, merely listed without description or references. = nomen nudum.
Clench (1952:108) commented that Dall's (1894:119) reference to C. striatellum was probably either C. glans or C. glans coryi.