"Cerion (Maynardia) johnsoni
Shell turrited, elongate, the last whorl widest, the others forming a tapering spire, the earlier whorls of the form seen in a young Eucalodium. Surface densely spirally striate, and bearing very stout, distant ribs; 11 on penult., one or two fewer on earlier whorls. Whorls 11½, very convex. Aperture about one-third the alt., ovalcordate; parietal lamina small. Color cream-white. Alt. 32; diam. 11 mm. Locality unknown; one specimen from coll. C. W. Johnson.
This is really the most remarkable form of Cerion yet discovered, allied to C. felis in sculpture, but in the tapering contour wholly unlike anything known hitherto in the genus, with the exception of Pupa scalarina Gundl., which is much smaller, with less attenuated earlier whorls." (Pilsbry & Vanatta, 1895:207)