The binomen S. inornata first appeared in Maynard (1919b [November 6]:49) together with a reference to illustrations that were published later (Maynard, 1920d [September 30]:pl. 3, figs. 11-13). Article 10.1.1 (ICZN, 1999:9) states that if publication of the data relating to a new nominal taxon or a nomenclatural act is interrupted and continued at a later date, the name or act becomes available only when the requirements of the relevant Articles have been met. Prior to the publication of plate 3, Maynard (1920b [April 8]:87) again used the name S. inornata as an example of morphological reversion following shell damage, and cited a figure (Maynard, 1920c[July 10]:fig. 73) that was reproduced in color (Maynard, 1920c:pl. 17, fig. 2). In the next issue, Maynard (1920d [September 30]:112) published a correction stating that figure numbers 72 and 73, as well as plate 17, figures 1 and 2 were transposed, and that the figures 73 and plate 17 figure 2 are actually S. salinaria, while figures 72 and plate 17, figure 1 represent S. inornata.
The uses of the binomen Strophiops inornata in Maynard (1919b:49) and Maynard (1920b:87) are nomina nuda. The taxon S. inornata dates from the illustrations in Maynard, 1920c[July 10]:fig. 73, pl. 17, fig. 2.
As both illustrations were captioned "S. inornata," the taxon must be attributed to Maynard rather than to Maynard and Clapp, as cited by Clench (1957:148).
Intended taxon description:
45. S inornata.
Medium, 1.12 by .45, [costae] a little narrower than interspaces; margin, thin, .05: pale yellow-brown, darker within. Common on north side of Bell Key on shrubs. 1060. Plate 3, figs. 11, 12. 13.