"Cerion (Strophiops) platei sp. nov.
(Plate I, figures 7, 8)
Cerion fordii Plate, 1907, Archiv für Rassen-und-Gesell.?Biologie, IV, p. 608, pl. 4, figs. e-h (Cat Island, Bahamas), non C. fordii P. and V.
Description.?Shell cylindrical, rather solid, smooth to finely ribbed, subperforate. Last three whorls nearly parallel-sided, remaining whorls rounded conic. Color dead white to brown-mottled, interior of aperture usually a chocolate-brown. Whorls 10 or 11, slightly convex, first two whorls smooth, remaining whorls smooth or finely ribbed. Spire acute, produced at an angle of 74° to 79°. Aperture rounded, in a few cases holostomatous by reason of the very heavy parietal callus. Lip reflexed and folded backward. Mid-parietal tooth very well developed. Columellar lamella present but generally only faintly indicated. Sculpture of fine growth lines to very definite but fine ribs. About twenty-five occur on the body whorl of the ribbed forms.
MEASUREMENTS (in millimeters)
Length Width Aperture length Aperture width
26.5 12 7.5 6 Holotype
27 11.5 7 6.5 Paratype
27.5 11 6.5 5.5 "
29.5 11.5 7 6.5 "
26.5 11.5 7 6 "
26 12 7 6 "
25 11 7 6 "
26.5 12 7 5.5 "
24.5 11 6.5 5.5 "
25 11.5 7 6 "
Holotype, Mus. Comp. Zoöl., no. 95,731, and paratypes, no. 92,389, Bight Road, Cat Island. Additional paratypes from Old Bight and Devil Point, Cat Island, Bahamas, L. Plate, collector.
This species was identified by Dr. Plate as C. fordii Pils. & Van. Paratypes of this latter species, which are before me, indicate that Plate's specimens are different, though superficially they approximate C. fordii.
C. platei differs from C. fordii in having much finer ribs, much less polish to the shell, and a much thicker lip. In addition to these characters C. platei has a back fold of the lip which follows along the body whorl as much as 4 mm. in many specimens, producing a collar-like structure. (See pl. I, fig. 8.)" (Pilsbry, 1933:90-91)