Cerion by Harasewych | Conchology - Cerion by Harasewych

Cerion incisum

Dall, 1905

Cerion oweni incisum Clench, 1938b:328
Cerion oweni variety b(incisum) Dall, 1905:444, pl. 58, fig. 10
Original Description:
Geographic Distribution:
Little Abaco Island, Abaco
Type Locality:
Stranger Cay Beach, NW of Little Abaco, Bahamas
[26° 30' N, -77° 18' W]

Type Material:
Lectotype, USNM 179440
Additional Records:
MolluscaBase Information:
No MolluscaBase Information Found.

Clench (1938b:328-329) considered C. oweni incisum Dall, 1905) to be synonyms of C. bendalli.


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