"Cerion (Maynardia) columna P. and V.
Shell thick, strong, cylindrical or column-shaped, the latter 4-5 whorls of equal diameter, those preceding forming a cone of one fourth the shell's length; bluish-white, flesh-tinged on cone, some whorls of which are finely, closely striate; the striae then either disappear, leaving the median whorls smooth, or become coarse, wide-spaced, irregular costae on median whorls, stronger on last whorl. Whorls 13, hardly convex. Aperture small, less than one-third the alt., long-ovate, gothic- angular above; interior deep purple- brown, often becoming red- brown toward the white lip, which is everywhere revolutely reflexed, but not thickened. Parietal tooth strong and (for a Maynardia) long. Axial lamina moderate. Alt. 46 ½; diam. 12½ mm. Inagua.
Differs from the closely allied C. infanda in the smaller and colored aperture, less compressed body-whorl, etc.; from C. regina it differs in the more elongate form, colored mouth and less excavated umbilical tract; from C. regia in the slenderer contour, etc. It resembles in shape, Pupa cretacea Pfr.; but that species is far more obtuse than any of the dozen specimens of this before us. A variety which may be called v. valida is smaller, strongly and· subregularly costate throughout. Inagua. Alt. 34; diam. 10½ mm." (Pilsbry & Vanatta, 1895:207)