"Cerion regina brevispira P. and V.
Shell short, pupiform, compact; lower two whorls of equal diameter, those above tapering to form a short cone. Whorls 8.9, all but the last one smooth, the last more or less ribbed; urnbilical chink deep, the area below it excavated. Aperture much exceeding one-third the length of shell, ovate, purple within; peristome narrowly reflexed, not thickened, white; parietal callus imperceptible; parietal lamina small, rather short, deep-seated. Axial lamina small. White, boldly streaked and blotched with rich brown. Alt. 22, diam. 10 mm. or smaller. Apert., alt. 9.5; width 8.3 mm. Turk's Island. (W. M. Gabb.)
This form looks very distinct from G. regina, and we have no intermediate specimens; but it occurs on the same small island, and may prove to be only a sub-species of that form." (Pilsbry & Vanatta, 1895:209)