"Var. submarmoratum P. & V. Figs. 3, 4.
Like the type [C. fordii] except that is is ribless, smooth with slight growth-wrinkles; sutures a little exserted and seam-like above. White, unicolored or with irregular longitudinal dark fleshy brown stripes and sometimes ochraceous stains. The first post-nepionic whorl of the cone is usually striated. Aperture typical.
Var. submarmoratum is a larger shell than C. marmoratum, stouter above, and with a much more developed parietal tooth. It has not the expanded umbilical area of C. regina eucosmium, of Turk's Island.
White specimens of this variety are very similar to C. eleutherae, but do not taper gradually as that species, the angle of obliquity of the apertureis different, etc.
Several hundreds of this species were obtained by Mr. John Ford from a barrel of shells from the Bahamas, exact island unfortunately unkn own. On comparison with the nearly complete series of Cerion in the collection of the Academy it is evident that a new polymorphic species is before us, probably from an island or region of an island hitherto unexplored for this genus. Both the striate and smooth forms occurred either white or strigate, and so far as we an judge in nearly equal numbers. Transition forms are fully represented, though probably 95 per cent. of the specimens are either the one or the other.." (Pilsbry and Vanatta, 1897:365-366).