"34. Strophia albea Novo.
Pink Strophia.
FIG. 38. A, front view; B, side view of type.
SP. CH. Size, rather small. Shell, quite thick and heavy. Striations, present. Whirls, nine. Examined forty specimens.
Form of shell, a pointed cylinder, the first whirl being the largest, then each successive whirl is a little smaller to the fourth whirl, then the shell slopes gradually to the top, forming an angle of forty-five degrees. The striations are numerous, twenty-five tot he first whirl, are not prominent, but are very regular, appearing like little half cylinders laid against the shell; they are thus rounded, and are highly polished, without any furrows whatever. and are about one half as wide as the interspaces between them.
Aperture rather small, slightly contracted at the entrance, and rather oval. Lower tooth prominent, about .04 high, and twice as long as high; not elevated, and set back about once its length along the frontal bar. Upper tooth quite well developed.
Margin produced forward about as far as the diameter of the shell, is thickened all around, measuring about .03, is grooved, and the posterior portion is produced into a deep edge which is not rolled backward. The frontal bar is comparatively thin, but completely interrupts the striations.
Color of shell, dark flesh color throughout boty, externally and internally, extending also over the striations, paler on the apex and margin, with no indications of fleckings or markings of any kind.
Size of type, 1.00 by .36 [25.4 by 9.1 mm]. Largest specimen, 1.10 by .37; smallest, .81 by .36. Greatest diameter, .45; smallest, .36. Longest specimen, 1.10; shortest, .81.
There is but little variation in this delicately-tinted Strophia, either in form, color, or size. The peculiar flesh-colored tint recalls at once the color of Strophia nuda, described in Vol. I, of these Contributions, but that shell was smooth and of quite a different form. I know of no other Strophia which exhibits this singular color." (Maynard, 1894:128-129)