WMSDB | Conchology

WMSDB - Worldwide Mollusc Species DataBase

By Dr. Claudio Galli - Genova, Italy
             Taxon Tree:
                       GASTROPODA [Class]
                                 CAENOGASTROPODA [Subclass]
                                         NEOGASTROPODA [Order]
                                                 TEREBRIDAE [Family]

2130000005 2130000015 2130000020 2130000025 2130000030 2130000035 2130000040 2130000045 2130000055 2130000060 2130000065 2130000070 2130000105 2130000110 2130000125 2130000135 2130000140 2130000145 2130000160 2130000165 2130000175 2130000180 2130000185 2130000190 2130000200 2130000210 2130000220 2130000225 2130000255 2130000275 2130000285 2130000290 2130000315 2130000345 2130000350 2130000365 2130000405 2130000415 2130000425 2130000430 2130000435 2130000445 2130000470 2130000505 2130000530 2130000535 2130000545 2130000570 2130000615 2130000620 2130000625 2130000630 2130000650 2130004010 2130004015 2130004040 2130004065 2130004075 2130004085 2130004090 2130004100 2130004105 2130004115 2130004125 2130004130 2130004135 2130004140 2130004145 2130004155 2130004160 2130004165 2130004170 2130004175 2130004180 2130004190 2130004195 2130004200 2130004205 2130004220 2130004225 2130004230 2130004290 2130900005 2130900030 2130904005 2130904010 2130904015 2131050015 2131050020 2131050045 2131050050 2131050065 2131050070 2131050075 2131054000 2131054010 2131054020 2131054030 2131250000 2131250030 2131250060 2131250070 2131250090 2131250100 2131250230 2131250270 2131250280 2131250290 2131250360 2131250410 2131250470 2131250550 2131250590 2131250620 2131250660 2131250740 2131250780 2131250800 2131250840 2131250910 2131250940 2131250950 2131251000 2131251020 2131251120 2131251160 2131251210 2131251250 2131251260 2131251300 2131251310 2131251400 2131251530 2131251560 2131251630 2131251660 2131251720 2131251790 2131252700 2131252936 2131252956 2131252984 2131252992 2131253012 2131253016 2131253040 2131253044 2131253048 2131253092 2131253136 2131253143 2131253144 2131253145 2131253147 5344000001 5344000004 5347000001 5347000002 5347000003 5347000007 5347000008 5347000014 5347000030 5347000070 5347000072 5910554003 6520000009 6520000010 5910554006 5910554007 5910554009 5910554011 5910554012 5910554015 5910554018 5910554019 5910554023 5910554030 5910554033 5910554036 5910554037 5910554038 5910554039 5910554044 5910554045 5910554046 5910554047 5910554048 5910554049 5910554050 5910554051 5910554053 5910554054 5910554058 5910554065 5910554070 5910554082 5910554086 5910554087 5910554091 5910554093 5910554095 5910554099 5910554102 5910554108 5910554111 5910554114 5910554115 5910554116 5910554117 5910554118 5910554125 5910554127 5910554129 5910554130 5910554131 5910554133 5910554135 5910554137 5910554140 5910554142 5910554145 5910554151 5910554156 5910554247 5910554349 5910554352 5910554521 6486000099 6486000100 6486000101 6486000103 6486000104 6486000107 6486000109 6486000112 6486000115 6486000116 6486000117 6486000120 6486000131 6486000133 6486000134 6486000143 6486000145 6520000007 6520000028 6520000030 6520000032 6520000033 6520000042 6520000046 6520000051 6520000054 6520000055 6520000056 6520000057
Note :
  • red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species
  • please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced
  • this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now
© 1994 - 2024 Guido T. Poppe & Philippe Poppe - Conchology, Inc. (0.032 seconds.)