WMSDB | Conchology

WMSDB - Worldwide Mollusc Species DataBase

By Dr. Claudio Galli - Genova, Italy
             Taxon Tree:
                       GASTROPODA [Class]
                                 HETEROBRANCHIA [Subclass]
                                         HETEROBRANCHIA [Order]
                                                 PYRAMIDELLIDAE [Family]

2220500035 5364000002 5364000003 5364000005 5364000012 5364000013 5364000016 5364000018 5364000020 5364000037 5364000050 5364000051 5364000052 5364000059 5364000063 5364000068 5364000071 5364000084 5364000087 5364000098 5364000118 5364000119 5364000121 5364000129 5364000130 5364000136 5364000148 5364000149 5364000154 5364000162 5364000166 5364000170 5364000180 5364000181 5364000182 5364000189 5364000190 5364000191 5364000194 5364000198 5364000207 5364000210 5364000217 5364000224 5364000229 5364000231 5364000232 5364000237 5364000240 5364000254 5364000267 5364000271 5364000277 5364000278 5364000279 5364000280 5364000286 5364000291 5364000293 5364000294 5364000298 5364000299 5364000301 5364000302 5364000316 5364000338 5364000358 5364000562 5364000554 5364000547 5364000545 5364000423 5364000543 5364000522 5364000521 5364000520 5364000510 5364000505 5364000441 5364000412 5364000455 5364000496 5364000495 5364000486 5364000475 5364000432 5364000406 5364000462 5364000395 5364000378 5364000380 5364000396 5364000363 5364000540 5364000377 5364000386 5364000362 2240250020 2240250055 2240250065 2240250070 2240250075 2240250085 2240900000 2240900015 2240900040 2240900065 2240900070 2240900075 2240900080 2240900085 2240900090 2241050000 2241200000 2241200010 2241204000 2241650065 2241650080 2241650170 2241650205 2241650210 2241650250 2241650270 2241650365 2241650475 2241650490 2241650500 2241650510 2241650530 2241650555 2241650590 2241650635 2241650640 2241650670 2241650715 2241650720 2241650755 2241650815 2241650865 2241650870 2241650875 2241650915 2241654005 2241654045 2241750000 2241950000 2242050000 2242150000 2242850035 2242850060 2242850075 2242850095 2242850105 2242850135 2242850155 2242850165 2242850180 2242850210 2243350010 2243650010 2243650020 2244100000 2244400000 2244500000 2244600000 2244600015 2244600020 2244600035 2244650000 2244754000 2245200005 2245200050 2245200055 2245200115 2245200130 2245200165 2245200215 2245200355 2245200445 2245200500 2245200545 2245200565 2245200590 2245200690 2245200815 2245200820 2245200910 2245200920 2245200985 2245201165 2245201180 2245201300 2245204000 2245604000 2245850000 2245904000 2246200000 2246350015 2247200050 2247200090 2247200120 2247200150 2247200190 2247200210 2247200220 2247200420 2247200440 2247200690 2247201340 2247201590 2247201770 2247201830 2247201880 2247201950 2247202230 2247202410 2247202770 2247202810 2247202990 2247203280 2247203360 2247203720 2247204150 2247204250 2247204260 2247204270 2247204470 2247204670 2247205430 2247205460 2247205660 2247206490 2247206570 2247206762 2247206770 2247206774 2247206786 2250200207 2260100020 3973250445 3973250509 3973250621 3973250681 3973250689 3973250701 3973250761 3973250805 3973250867 3973250887 3973250890 3973250901 3973250914 3973250918 3973250943 3973250963 3973250978 3973250984 3973250993 3973250997 3973251033 3973251073 3973251094 3973251184 3973251192 3973251223 3973251246 3973251259 3973251267 3973251314 3973251318 3973251324 3973251342 3973251358 3973251366 3973251376 3973251381 3973251456 3973251457 3973251462 3973251474 3973251479 3973251482 3973251497 3973251501 3973251535 3973251538 3973251553 3973251621 3973251661 3973251677 3973251686 3973251689 3973251691 5224000002 5364000570 5364000572 5364000575 5364000588 5364000591 5364000602 5364000604 5366000030 5366000037 5366000054 5366000083 5366000087 5366000089 5368000015 5368000016 5368000019 5368000029 5368000031 5368000049 5368000176 5368000208 5368000240 5368000302 5700000033 5700000034 5700000049 5700000051 5700000066 5700000073 5700000122 5700000153 6664000166 5364000321 2245201100 2247204110 2247205260 3973250885 3973251378 9200000541 5368000021 5700000167 5700000168 5700000169 5700000170 5700000221 5700000229 5700000231 5700000232 5700000236 5700000246 5700000249 5700000250 5700000257 5700000262 5700000267 5700000268 5700000269 5700000271 5700000274 5700000277 5700000278 5700000279 5700000284 5700000286 5700000290 6664000005 6664000006 6664000007 6664000009 6664000011 6664000012 6664000016 6664000023 6664000027 6664000033 6664000039 6664000044 6664000045 6664000049 6664000052 6664000057 6664000059 6664000062 6664000065 6664000066 6664000112 6664000117 6664000127 6664000128 9200000011 9200000129 9200000191 9200000200 9200000204 9200000206 6296000038 9200000215 9200000220 9200000222 9200000227 9200000230 9200000232 9200000244 9200000258 9200000278 9200000528
Note :
  • red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species
  • please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced
  • this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now
© 1994 - 2024 Guido T. Poppe & Philippe Poppe - Conchology, Inc. (0.031 seconds.)