The star system calculates the number of pieces that were handled by Conchology, Inc. in the last 21 years:
0 – 5 pieces | 6 stars | |
6 – 10 pieces | 5 stars | |
11 - 25 pieces | 4 stars | |
26 - 75 pieces | 3 stars | |
76 - 150 pieces | 2 stars | |
> 150 pieces | 1 star |
We want to point out that the star system is only very reliable for PHILIPPINE shells only, as we handle very few foreign shells in general. As time goes, the system will become more and more performant.
Guido T. Poppe & Philippe Poppe - Since 1994
Happy Shelling !
Muricidae belong to the precious families because part of the family has superb spines or combines pastel colours with intricate shapes. Their determination is not easy, ...
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Muricidae belong to the precious families because part of the family has superb spines or combines pastel colours with intricate shapes. Their determination is not easy, and because of the larqe number of species, especially for the small ones a real challenge. Collecting Muricidae for the aesthetic collection gives much satisfaction, as selected specimens can be fantastic. Many species need lots of cleaning. A few species received the particular attention of collectors and made history: among these loebecki and elongatus. Among the new celebrities are the Red Sea species forsteri and the recently discovered Poireiria poppei. About 1200 species.
For a list of genera and species: