WMSDB | Conchology

WMSDB - Worldwide Mollusc Species DataBase

By Dr. Claudio Galli - Genova, Italy
             Taxon Tree:
                       GASTROPODA [Class]
                                 CAENOGASTROPODA [Subclass]
                                         LITTORINIMORPHA [Order]
                                                 LITTORINIDAE [Family]

5174000002 1370050000 1370100000 1370100005 1370100010 1370100015 1370100020 1370100025 1370100035 1370100040 1370100045 1370100050 1370100055 1370100060 1370100065 1370100070 1370100075 1370100080 1370100090 1370100095 1370100105 1370100110 1370100115 1370100120 1370100130 1370100135 1370100140 1370100145 1370100150 1370100155 1370100160 1370100180 1370100185 1370100190 1370100215 1370100225 1370100235 1370100240 1370100245 1370100250 1370100265 1370100295 1370100310 1370100325 1370100330 1370100335 1370100340 1370100345 1370100355 1370104000 1370250000 1370350000 1370350005 1370450020 1370450025 1370450045 1370450050 1370450055 1370454005 1370800000 1370800005 1370800015 1370800020 1370800025 1370800045 1370800055 1370800065 1370800075 1370800085 1370800090 1370800095 1370800100 1370800105 1370804000 1370804005 1370804015 1370804025 1370804030 1371000000 1371254005 1371254015 1371300005 1371300010 1371300025 1371300030 1371300035 1371400000 1371450000 1371450010 1371450015 1380000005 1380000030 1380000035 1380000055 1380004000 1380250045 1380250055 1380250095 1380250125 1380250145 1380250155 1380250165 1380250195 1380250215 1380250275 1380250285 1380250295 1380250395 1380250445 1380250485 1380250515 1380250565 1380250575 1380250615 1380250775 1380250835 1380250895 1380250935 1380251035 1380251145 1380251257 1380251273 1380251297 1380251305 1380251309 1380251317 1380251336 1380251337 1380251338 1380251341 5174000008 5174000015 5208000169 5208000175 5208000176 5208000177 1380250805 1370100285 1370100220 1371350000 5208000181 5610000064 5610000153 5610000168 1380250455 1380250475 8035000146 8035000147 5610000371 5610000378 5610000379 5610000380 5610000381 5610000383 6284000001 6284000002 6284000003 6284000013 6284000015 6284000016 8035000029 8035000033 8035000060 8035000062 8035000068 8035000072 8035000073 8035000081 8035000094 8035000139
Note :
  • red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species
  • please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced
  • this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now
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