WMSDB | Conchology

WMSDB - Worldwide Mollusc Species DataBase

By Dr. Claudio Galli - Genova, Italy
             Taxon Tree:
                       GASTROPODA [Class]
                                 HETEROBRANCHIA [Subclass]
                                         STYLOMMATOPHORA [Order]
                                                 HYGROMIIDAE [Family]

4520004000 4520004005 4520154000 4520254000 4520454000 4520754000 4520954000 4520954015 4520954025 4521400000 4521400005 4521900000 4521900005 4522354013 4522354029 4522354045 4522354069 4522354133 4522354157 4522354181 4522354189 4522354197 4522354205 4522354229 4522354237 4522354245 4522354253 4522354269 4522354277 4522354301 4522354317 4522354357 4522354365 4522354373 4522354389 4522354397 4522354429 4522354517 4522354525 4522354557 4522354565 4522354573 4522354581 4522354621 4522354637 4522354661 4522354757 4530000000 4530004000 4530004005 4530150000 4530200000 4530200005 4530250005 4530250010 4530254000 4530254005 4530254020 4530550010 4530554000 4530554005 4530554015 4530750000 4530750010 4530754005 4531250005 4531250020 4531254040 4531404000 4531404005 4531450000 4531450005 4531450013 4531450045 4531450053 4531450061 4531450085 4531450093 4531450125 4531450165 4531450221 4531450229 4531450301 4531450317 4531450325 4531450341 4531450397 4531450445 4531450501 4531450541 4531450549 4531450565 4531450573 4531450581 4531450597 4531450669 4531450677 4531450837 4531450853 4531450885 4531450909 4531450917 4531451333 4531451422 4531451426 4531451439 4531451443 4531451446 4531451455 4531451459 4531451463 4531451639 4531451651 4531451663 4531451667 4531451679 4542800000 4542804000 4545405853 4545407261 4545407273 4545407389 4545407437 4545407465 4545407473 4545407477 4545407589 4545407609 4545407617 4545407625 4545407629 4545407657 4545407685 4545407693 4545407705 4545407741 4545407797 4545407809 4545407877 4545407881 4545407925 4545407933 4545408001 4545408005 4545408033 4545408069 4545408073 4545408077 4545408089 4545408093 4545408097 4545408101 4545408109 4545408117 4545408125 4545408153 4545408157 4545408173 4545408189 4545408205 4545408225 4545408233 4545408261 4545408273 4545408297 4545408301 4545408309 4545408325 4545408361 4545408369 4545408381 4545408405 4545408433 4545408465 4545408505 4545408553 4545408557 4545408565 4545408569 4545408585 4545408637 4545408657 4545408669 4545408681 4545408708 4545408722 4545408724 4545408725 4545408726 4531450222 4531450223 5814000012 5814000013 5814000014 5814000015 5814000024 5814000032 5814000050 5814000055 5814000063 5814000067 5814000095 5814000101 5814000103 5814000105 5814000111 5814000129 5814000131 5828000121 5828000213 5828000296 5828000323 5828000324 5828000325 5828000327 5828000328 5828000329 5828000336 5828000346 5828000353 5828000360 5828000369 5828000372 5828000416 5828000420 7036000043 7036000048 7036000067 7036000068 7036000069 5828000437 5828000440 7036000024 7036000026
Note :
  • red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species
  • please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced
  • this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now
© 1994 - 2024 Guido T. Poppe & Philippe Poppe - Conchology, Inc. (0.029 seconds.)