WMSDB | Conchology

WMSDB - Worldwide Mollusc Species DataBase

By Dr. Claudio Galli - Genova, Italy
             Taxon Tree:
                       GASTROPODA [Class]
                                 CAENOGASTROPODA [Subclass]
                                         LITTORINIMORPHA [Order]
                                                 HYDROBIIDAE [Family]

3631700497 3631700505 3631700533 3631700537 3631700549 3631700553 3631700557 3631700577 3631700601 3631700605 3631700609 3631700613 3631700617 3631700621 3631700641 3631700661 3631700681 3631700721 3631700745 3631700773 3631700777 3631700781 3631700785 3631700797 3631700801 3631700821 3631700849 3631700889 3631700913 3631700935 3631700940 3631700941 3631700942 3631700946 3631700947 3631700948 3631700953 5220000232 5220000195 5220000175 5220000172 5220000168 5220000302 5220000301 5220000327 5220000263 5220000033 5220000152 5208000064 5208000070 5208000067 5220000036 5220000095 5220000093 5220000089 5220000271 5220000428 5220000426 5220000425 5220000424 5220000423 5220000422 5220000421 5220000420 5220000418 5220000417 5220000416 5220000415 5220000413 5220000412 5220000410 5220000407 5220000406 5220000405 5220000403 5220000402 5220000401 5220000400 5220000398 5220000397 5220000394 5220000389 5220000388 5220000387 5220000380 5220000376 5220000373 5220000372 5220000369 5220000368 5220000364 5220000362 5220000360 5220000359 5220000358 5220000444 5220000445 5220000430 5220000116 5220000325 5220000429 5220000448 5220000196 5220000085 5220000181 5220000139 5220000166 5220000185 5220000180 5220000241 5220000242 5220000238 5220000438 5220000436 5220000203 5220000236 5220000235 5220000233 5220000228 5220000220 5220000217 5220000213 5220000210 5220000209 5220000205 5220000204 5220000200 5220000197 5220000193 5220000455 5220000170 5220000136 5220000135 5220000134 5220000130 5220000127 5220000126 5220000121 5220000259 5220000442 5220000032 5220000027 5220000165 5220000013 5220000075 5220000148 5220000153 5220000151 5220000243 5220000434 5220000250 5220000266 5220000018 5220000283 5220000262 5220000431 5220000025 5220000023 5220000002 5220000031 5220000336 5220000212 5208000068 5220000357 5220000103 5220000452 5220000269 5220000414 5220000384 5220000449 5220000419 5220000255 5220000079 5220000231 5220000451 5220000003 5220000441 5220000346 5220000076 5220000248 5220000278 5220000021 5220000019 5220000004 5220000294 5220000251 5220000395 5232000031 5232000037 5232000041 5232000044 5232000046 5232000052 5232000065 5232000066 5232000067 5232000069 5232000071 5232000081 5232000082 5232000117 5232000122 5232000143 5232000146 5232000165 5232000166 5232000167 5232000168 5232000169 5232000173 5232000174 5232000177 5372000050 5372000055 5372000056 5372000103 5372000104 5372000122 5372000124 5372000125 5372000134 5372000135 5372000141 5372000157 5372000158 5372000165 5372000167 5372000168 5372000170 5372000171 5372000180 5372000181 5372000187 5372000217 5372000229 5372000231 5372000274 5372000302 5372000321 5372000338 5372000353 5372000387 5372000389 5372000390 5372000410 5372000470 5372000472 5372000479 5372000485 5372000517 5372000521 5372000523 5372000572 5372000597 5372000614 5372000620 5372000693 5372000696 5372000700 5372000756 5372000807 5372000808 5372000812 5372000813 5372000814 5372000820 5372000823 5372000827 5372000833 5372000834 5372000835 5372000836 5372000837 5372000838 5372000840 5372000841 5372000842 5372000845 5372000850 5372000852 5372000853 5372000855 5372000859 5372000860 5372000862 5372000864 5372000865 5372000870 5372000874 5372000888 5372000915 5372000918 5372000919 5372000920 5372000923 5372000932 5372000933 5372000940 5372000943 5372000944 5372000945 5372000946 5372000963 5372000964 5372000970 5372000971 5372000977 5372000980 5372000981 5372000982 5372000993 5372000994 5372000995 5372000996 5372000997 5372000998 5372000999 5372001001 5372001002 5372001003 5372001005 5372001006 5372001007 5372001008 5372001017 5372001018 5372001021 5372001025 5372001026 5372001031 5372001032 5372001033 5372001037 5372001046 5372001049 5372001050 5372001051 5372001052 5372001053 5372001054 5372001057 5372001060 5372001061 5372001062 5372001064 5372001065 5372001069 5372001071 5372001072 5372001073 5372001074 5372001076 5372001077 5372001087 5372001089 5372001098 5372001129 5372001134 5372001179 5372001180 5372001181 5372001231 5372001234 5372001246 5372001257 5372001262 5372001266 5372001313 5372001516 5372001517 5372001518 5372001535 5372001546 5372001547 5372001561 5372001565 5610000088 5610000179 5610000205 5610000210 5610000218 6930000179 6090700480 6090700481 6090700486 6090700490 6090700492 6090700493 6090700498 6090700501 6090700551 6370000001 6370000002 6370000003 6370000021 6370000023 6422000053 6794000061 6794000067 6930000071 6930000158 6930000197 6930000202 6930000265 6930000273 6930000312 6930000430 6930000451 6930000814 6930000899 6930000901 6930000905 6930000912 6930000913 6930000914 6930000918 7432001251
Note :
  • red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species
  • please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced
  • this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now
© 1994 - 2024 Guido T. Poppe & Philippe Poppe - Conchology, Inc. (0.043 seconds.)