WMSDB | Conchology

WMSDB - Worldwide Mollusc Species DataBase

By Dr. Claudio Galli - Genova, Italy
             Taxon Tree:
                       SCAPHOPODA [Class]
                                         DENTALIIDA [Order]
                                                 DENTALIIDAE [Family]

6370000005 6370000010 6370000015 6370000020 6370000050 6370000060 6370000070 6370000075 6370000080 6370000085 6370000090 6370000095 6370000100 6370000110 6370000125 6370000130 6370000145 6370000150 6370000185 8000000001 6370004005 6370004015 6370004020 6370004025 6370004030 6370004035 6370004060 6370004070 6370004075 6370004080 6370004085 6370004100 6370004105 6370004110 6370004115 6370004120 6370100005 6370100010 6370100015 6370100040 6370100045 6370100050 6370100055 6370100060 6370100065 6370100085 6370100090 6370100100 6370100110 6370100115 6370100125 6370100130 6370100135 6370100140 6370100145 6370100155 6370100165 6370200000 6370200005 6370200010 6370200025 6370200050 6370200055 6370200085 6370200090 6370200105 6370300000 6370300005 6370300015 6370300020 6370300025 6370304000 6370350000 6370350005 6370350021 6370350045 6370350061 6370350069 6370350101 6370350149 6370350173 6370350237 6370350309 6370350317 6370350325 6370350341 6370350389 6370350473 6370350477 6370350481 6370350485 6370350493 6370350498 6370350504 6370350508 6370350514 6370350520 6370350523 6370350524 6370350527 6370350528 6370350532 6370350534 6370350535 6370350536 6370350537 6370350542 6370350543 6370350546 6370350547 6370350548 6370350549 6370350550 6370350551 6370350553 6380050075 6420300036 6370350554 8000000002 8000000004 8000000008 8000000009 8000000011 8000000012 8000000013 8000000014 8000000015 8000000016 8000000018 8000000019 8000000020 8000000021 8000000022 8000000026 8000000027 8000000028 8000000029 8000000031 8000000032 8000000033 8000000034 8000000036 8000000039 8000000041 8000000042 8000000043 8000000044 8000000045 8000000046 8000000047 8000000048 8000000049 8000000050 8000000054 8000000055 8000000056 8000000058 8000000060 8000000061 8000000062 8000000063 8000000064 8000000065 8000000069 8000000070 8000000071 8000000075 8000000076 8000000080 8530000046 8530000063 8016000082 8016000083 8016000084 8016000085 8016000086 8016000087 8016000089 8016000090 8016000091 8016000092 8016000094 8016000095 8016000099 8016000101 8016000103 8016000106 8016000107 8016000108 8016000110 8016000114 8016000115 8016000116 8016000117 8016000120 8016000121 8016000122 8016000123 8016000124 8016000126 8016000127 8016000129 8016000130 8016000133 8016000134 8016000135 8016000136 8016000137 8016000138 8016000139 8016000140 8016000141 8016000142 8016000144 8530000003 8530000006 8530000007 8530000011 8530000013 8530000015 8530000016 8530000022 8530000023 8530000024 8530000028 8530000032 8530000033 8530000042 8530000043 8530000049 8530000058 8530000059 8530000060 8530000061 8530000062 8530000064 8530000065 8530000067
Note :
  • red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species
  • please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced
  • this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now
© 1994 - 2024 Guido T. Poppe & Philippe Poppe - Conchology, Inc. (0.049 seconds.)