WMSDB | Conchology

WMSDB - Worldwide Mollusc Species DataBase

By Dr. Claudio Galli - Genova, Italy
             Taxon Tree:
                       GASTROPODA [Class]
                                 CAENOGASTROPODA [Subclass]
                                         LITTORINIMORPHA [Order]
                                                 CYPRAEIDAE [Family]

1590404000 1590404010 1590404025 1590404050 1590404060 1591004030 1591150005 1591150010 1591150015 1591150020 1591150025 1591150035 1591150045 1591150050 1591150055 1591150065 1591150070 1591150075 1591150085 1591150100 1591150105 1591150110 1591150115 1591150120 1591150125 1591150135 1591150140 1591150145 1591150155 1591150160 1591150170 1591150180 1591150185 1591150190 1591150195 1591150200 1591150210 1591150220 1591150225 1591150235 1591150240 1591150245 1591150265 1591150275 1591150290 1591150305 1591150315 1591150320 1591150340 1591150345 1591150350 1591150355 1591150365 1591150375 1591150380 1591150385 1591150390 1591150400 1591150405 1591150410 1591150420 1591150430 1591150435 1591150445 1591150485 1591150510 1591150515 1591150525 1591150530 1591150535 1591150540 1591150550 1591150565 1591150570 1591150595 1591150600 1591150635 1591150640 1591150645 1591150655 1591150660 1591150675 1591150685 1591150725 1591150735 1591150745 1591150760 1591150770 1591150865 1591150875 1591150895 1591150900 1591150910 1591150915 1591150940 1591150945 1591150955 1591150965 1591150985 1591150995 1591151005 1591151045 1591151070 1591151080 1591151110 1591151115 1591151120 1591151145 1591151170 1591151175 1591151180 1591151195 1591151210 1591151220 1591151245 1591151280 1591151315 1591151330 1591151335 1591151340 1591151355 1591151380 1591151395 1591151400 1591151405 1591151465 1591151470 1591151525 1591151550 1591151560 1591151580 1591151590 1591151625 1591151635 1591151680 1591151770 1591151775 1591151825 1591151850 1591151865 1591151870 1591151875 1591151880 1591151885 1591151905 1591151920 1591154010 1591154015 1591154055 1591650000 1591850000 1591950000 1591950005 1591950015 1591954015 1592404005 1592704000 1592704010 1592954005 1593650000 1593850000 1593850010 1593850020 1594054000 1594054325 1594054345 1594054375 1594054425 1594054435 1594054465 1594054535 1594054595 1594054645 1594054695 1594054805 1594054895 1594054965 1594054995 1594055015 1594055045 1594055105 1594055115 1594055125 1594055175 1594055365 1594055385 1594055485 1594055545 1594055605 1594055805 1594055815 1594055945 1594055955 1594055965 1594056125 1594056175 1594056285 1594056345 1594056355 1594056505 1594056615 1594056625 1594056635 1594056645 1594056665 1594056715 1594056735 1594056755 1594056805 1594056935 1594056945 1594056955 1594057015 1594057025 1594057055 1594057125 1594057135 1594057325 1594057545 1594057597 1594057693 1594057741 1594057941 1594057946 1594057991 1594058041 1594058046 1594058056 1594058071 1594058076 1594058081 1594058188 1594058288 1594058324 1594058328 1594058330 1591154043 5168000011 5168000018 5168000021 5168000023 5168000030 5168000047 5168000057 5266000062 6274000014 6474000414 6474000415 5266000446 5266000447 5266000450 5266000452 5266000457 5266000458 5266000459 5266000463 5266000464 5266000465 5266000471 5266000473 5266000475 5266000476 5266000477 5266000479 5266000482 5266000485 5266000486 5266000487 5266000488 5266000490 5266000492 5266000494 5266000497 5266000499 5266000500 5266000501 5266000505 5266000506 5266000507 5266000512 5266000513 5266000515 5266000519 5266000521 5266000522 5266000524 5266000526 5266000530 5266000531 5266000532 5266000533 5266000543 5266000544 5266000548 5266000549 5266000550 5266000554 5266000557 5266000558 5266000562 5266000563 5266000564 5266000567 5266000568 5266000570 5266000573 5266000575 5266000578 5266000582 5266000588 5266000595 5266000596 6274000001 6274000003 6274000005 6274000007 6274000013 6274000023 6274000027 6274000032 6274000036 6274000043 6274000046 6274000047 6274000050 6274000052 6274000058 6274000078 6274000085 6474000194 6474000195 6474000196 6474000197 6474000198 6474000200 6474000099 6474000204 6474000207 6474000227 6474000232 6474000270 6474000273 6474000275 6474000289 6474000296 6474000305 6474000317 6474000327 6474000328 6474000334 6474000340 6474000341 6474000342 6474000346 6474000351 6474000353 6474000357 6474000358 6474000359 6474000382 6474000383 6474000386 6474000388 6474000394 6474000395 6474000443
Note :
  • red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species
  • please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced
  • this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now
© 1994 - 2024 Guido T. Poppe & Philippe Poppe - Conchology, Inc. (0.03 seconds.)