WMSDB | Conchology

WMSDB - Worldwide Mollusc Species DataBase

By Dr. Claudio Galli - Genova, Italy
             Taxon Tree:
                       GASTROPODA [Class]
                                 HETEROBRANCHIA [Subclass]
                                         STYLOMMATOPHORA [Order]
                                                 CAMAENIDAE [Family]

4490000000 4490000005 5822000004 5822000003 4490004000 4490004005 4490004015 4490004020 4490004025 4490150000 4490150005 4490150010 4490150020 4490150025 4490150030 4490150035 4490150040 4490150050 4490150065 4490150070 4490150105 4490154000 4490154010 4490154015 4490154020 4490154025 4490154030 4490154040 4490154055 4490154100 4490154105 4490154110 4490154120 4490204000 4490700000 4490700005 4491000000 4491004000 4491004010 4491004020 4492500000 4492800000 4492800005 4492804005 4492954000 4493254000 4493650000 4493650005 4493650015 4493650020 4493650040 4493650045 4493650060 4494104010 4494104015 4494150000 4494254000 4494300000 4494300005 4494350000 4494350010 4494700000 4494700005 4494700015 4494754000 4494754015 4494754020 4494754025 4494754030 4494754035 4494754070 4494754080 4494754085 4494754095 4495150000 4495150005 4495150010 4495150015 4495150020 4495154000 4495154005 4495154015 4495154020 4495350000 4495750000 4495800000 4495900010 4495904000 4496000000 4496000040 4496004015 4496004020 4496004025 4496004045 4496004055 4496004085 4496004095 4496004110 4496004135 4496154000 4496250025 4496704005 4496704044 4496704076 4496704116 4496704124 4496704228 4496704260 4496704268 4496704276 4496704396 4496704404 4496704444 4496704460 4496704476 4496704484 4496704500 4496704540 4496704556 4496704580 4496704604 4496704636 4496704684 4496704692 4496704700 4496704708 4496704716 4496704732 4496704748 4496704780 4496704804 4496704812 4496704820 4496704828 4496704868 4496704916 4496704940 4496704956 4496704964 4496705004 4496705036 4496705060 4496705092 4496705116 4496705252 4496705332 4496705364 4496705396 4496705548 4496705652 4496705668 4496705700 4496705716 4496705740 4496705756 4496705788 4496705804 4496705828 4496705924 4496705932 4496705956 4496705980 4496705988 4496706108 4496706188 4496706220 4496706228 4496706324 4496706332 4496706372 4496706556 4496706572 4496706588 4496706628 4496706804 4496706852 4496706868 4496706884 4496706892 4496706924 4496706956 4496707084 4496707140 4496707156 4496707164 4496707276 4496707300 4496707428 4496707564 4496707596 4496707756 4496708100 4496708108 4496708116 4496708156 4496708228 4496708236 4496708268 4496708308 4496708332 4496708348 4496708364 4496708380 4496708404 4496708420 4496708460 4496708476 4496708516 4496708524 4496708532 4496708540 4496708548 4496708572 4496708644 4496708676 4496708684 4496708700 4496708788 4496708804 4496708844 4496708924 4496708996 4496709012 4496709084 4496709204 4496709212 4496709316 4496709676 4496709692 4496709716 4496709796 4496709804 4496709884 4496709980 4496709996 4496710028 4496710140 4496710260 4496710284 4496710324 4496710340 4496710452 4496710468 4496710568 4496710600 4496710628 4496710648 4496710656 4496710668 4496710676 4496710692 4496710712 4496710720 4496710728 4496710764 4496710772 4496710800 4496710880 4496710893 4496710894 4496710897 4496710900 4496710905 4496710906 4496710914 4496710922 4496710925 4496710927 4496710935 4496710936 4496710941 4496710943 4496710962 4496710964 5822000008 5822000010 5822000011 5822000014 5822000015 5822000019 5822000020 5822000021 5822000023 5822000026 5822000028 5822000029 5822000035 5822000036 5822000037 5822000039 5822000043 5822000044 5822000045 5766000004 5792000050 5792000051 5792000068 5814000018 5814000019 5822000070 4494250000 4496704036 5822000082 5822000083 5822000088 5822000092 5822000098 5822000105 5822000108 5822000121 5822000124 5822000127 5822000131 5822000133 5822000134 5822000135 5822000138 5822000150 5822000151 5822000153 5822000158 5822000160 5822000181 5822000187 5822000190 5822000192 5822000197 5822000209 5822000215 5822000222 5822000228 5822000261 5822000264 5822000265 5822000269 5822000272 5822000284 5822000300 5822000302 5822000315 5822000325 5822000326 5822000349 5822000409 5822000433 5822000434 5822000445 5822000475 5822000488 5822000489 5822000492 5822000499 5822000501 5822000502 5822000505 5822000507 5822000540 5822000541 5822000542 5822000545 5822000546 5822000548 5822000549 5822000550 5822000552 5822000555 5822000556 5822000580 6964000008 6964000056 6964000058 6964000059 6964000119 6964000120 6964000001
Note :
  • red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species
  • please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced
  • this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now
© 1994 - 2024 Guido T. Poppe & Philippe Poppe - Conchology, Inc. (0.057 seconds.)