Cerion by Harasewych | Conchology - Cerion by Harasewych

Cerion (Strophiops) barbouri

Clench, 1933

Cerion (Strophiops) barbouri Clench, 1933: 95, pl. 1, fig. 5
Cerion (Strophiops) barbouri Clench, 1934:207, pl. 2, fig. G
Cerion (Strophiops) barbouri Johnson, 2003:5
Cerion barbouri Clench, 1937:66
Original Description:
Geographic Distribution:
Mayaguana Island, Bahama Islands
Type Locality:
South coast Miraguana Island, Bahamas
[22° 23' N, -72° 57' W]

Type Material:
Holotype, MCZ 101159
Additional Records:
MolluscaBase Information:
No MolluscaBase Information Found.

Remarks: Clench(1934:207) notes that this species was described based on dead material. He supplements the description based on a susbsequent collection at Dean's Bay, Mariguana Island (February, 1934) "in an area, ..., some distance" from where the type material was collected. He notes that the shells "are a flat white and colored only a pale flesh to brownish within the aperture. They vary from 33 to 40 mm in total length."

Clench (1933) considered this to belong to the "group of Cerion regina P. & V."

Clench (1937:66) provided additional records.

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