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Dip. Geologia e Geofisica, Universita degle Studi di Bari Registered for IV International Congress of the European Malacological Socities Oct. 10-14, 2005, Naples, Italy - Edit
member, Sociedad Española Malacologia, 2005-08 scientific study of Recent & Pliocene & Quatenary fossil marine mollusks from the Atlantic and Mediterranean - Edit
Member. Societá Italiana di Malacdologia, 2006 - Edit
member Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging 2008 (since 2005) - Edit
Universita - Edit
1996. I. Di Geronimo & R. La Perna - Bathyspinula excisa (Philipii, 1844) (Bivalvia, Protobranchia): a witness of the Plio-Quaternary history of the deep Mediterranean benthos - Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 102 (1): 105-118 Source Marco Taviani - Edit
1997. Rafael La Perna. Pleistocene bathyal molluscan assemblages from southern Italy. di Paleontologia e Stratigrafiavolume 3(1-10): 389-426 Source - Edit
1999. I, Di Geronimo & R. La Perna - Some Quaternary bathyal eulimids from the Mediterranean, with descriptions of two new species (Gastropoda, Eulimidae) - Journal of Conchology 36 (6): 43-51 Edited by Marco Taviani Edit
2002. La Perna R., Landau B. & Marquet R. Granulina (Gastropoda, Marginellidae) from the Pliocene of Malaga (southern Spain) with descriptions of four new species. pp. 8, with 22 figs. Cainozoic Research 1(1-2) Source - Edit
2003. La Perna, Rafael, Bernard Landau & Carlos Marques da Silva. El genero Granulina (Gastropoda, Marginellidae) en el Plioceno Atlantico Iberico y descripcion de una species nueva para Portugal. Iberus 21(1): 35-42 Source - Edit
2005. La Perna, Rafael. A gigantic deep-sea Nucinellidae from the tropical West Pacific (Bivalvia: Protobranchia). Zootaxa 881: 1-10. Source - Edit
2007. R. La Perna - Revision of the protobranch species described by Dautzenberg & Fischer(1897) with description of a new species and taxonomic comments on Bathyspinula (Bivalvia, Nuculanoidea) - The Veliger 50(2): 149-162 Edited by Marco Taviani Edit
2008. La Perna, Rafael & Luca Ragaini. Dyolis N. Gen. from the European Miocene-Plaeitocene (Protobranchia: Nuculanidae). Journal of Conchology 39(5): 591-598. Source - Edit
2011. R. La Perna & M. D Abramo - The Genus Nemocardium Meek, 1876 in the Plio-Pleistocene of Italy (Bivalvia, Cardiida) - Journal of Conchology 40(5): 559-568 Edited by Marco Taviani Edit
2013. La Perna, Rafael & Mauro D'Abramo. Systematics of the Acanthocardia paucicostata group in the Mediterranean Plio-Pleistocene, with description of a new species (Bivalvia, Cardiidae). Journal of Conchology 41(4): 481-492. Source - Edit
2016. La Perna, R. . Bucardium grateloupianum n. sp. from the Lower Miocene of Aquitaine with taxonomic comments on some fossil species from Europe (Bivalvia, Cardiidae). Zootaxa 4178(4): 568–582. Source - Edit
2018. la Perna, R., Brunetti, M.M. & Bella, G.D. Systematic position of two Pliocene carditids with description of Akardita n. gen. and A. iberica n. sp. (Bivalvia: Carditidae). Zootaxa 4379(2): 215–230. Source - Edit
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Acanthocardia brunettii R. La Perna & M. D'Abramo, 2013. Mediterranean, Early- Middle Pliocene fossil. Honors Mauro M. Brunetti, Italian amateur malacologist Journal of Conchology 41(4)Edit
Akardita iberica R. la Perna, M.M. Brunetti & G.D. Bella, 2018 Spain: lower Pliocene, southern Spain Zootaxa 4379(2):Edit
Bucardium grateloupianum R. La Perna, 2016 France: Aquitaine Basin - Lower Miocene Zootaxa 4178(4)Edit
gen. nov. Akardita R. la Perna, M.M. Brunetti & G.D. Bella, 2018 Carditidae Zootaxa 4379(2):Edit
gen. nov. Dyolis R. La Perna & Ragaini, 2008 Protobranchia: Nuculanidae - fossil Journal of Conchology 39(5): Edited by Marco TavianiEdit
Granulina choffati R. La Perna, Landau & Silva, 2003 Atlantic European Pliocene, Portugal Iberus 21(1)Edit
Nemocardium (N.) italicum R. La Perna & M. D'Abramo, 2011 Italy - Early Pliocene to the Early Pleistocene fossil Journal of Conchology 40(5)Edit
Nucinella boucheti R. La Perna, 2005. off Bondoc Peninsula, Luzon, Philippines. honors Philippe Bouchet. Zootaxa 881: 1-10.Edit
Yoldiella dautzenbergi R. La Perna, 2007. deepwater station, east of Flores, Azores honors Philippe Dautzenberg, The Veliger 50(2)Edit