Fritz Haas | Shellers From the Past and Present

Shellers From the Past and the Present

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Haas, Fritz (Phd)


Haas, Fritz 3.jpg

Source FSCC

Born: 1886
Died: 1969

City: Chicago, IL
Country: Germany/USA


Fritz Haas & Wife, 1965.jpg

Source Courtesy Gene Coan

Fritz Haas, 1965.jpg

Source Courtesy Gene Coan


Biography of F. Haas

  • "Personality of the Month" - Edit

  • 1966: Zilch, A. & A. Solem, Zum 80. Geburtstag von Fritz Haas. -- Archiv für Molluskenkunde, 95: 1-2. 1967: Solem, A., New molluscan taxa and scientific writings of Fritz Haas. -- Feldiana: Zoology, 58(2): 69-144, 1 pl. [BIBLIOGRAPHY; LIST OF NEW TAXA] 1967: Zilch, A., Geschichte der malakologischen Sektion. - Aus der Geschichte des Senckenberg-Musems, Nr. 13. -- Archiv für Molluskenkunde, 97: 7-43. [BIOGRAPHY; PORTRAIT; HANDWRITING] 1970: Benthem Jutting, T., In memoriam Fritz Haas. -- Correspondentieblad van de Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging, 136: 1499. [BIOGRAPHY] 1970: Solem, A., Fritz Haas, 1886-1969. -- The Nautilus, 83(4): 117-120. [BIOGRAPHY] 1970: Solem, A., Obituary. Fritz Haas. -- Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London, 39: 93. [BIOGRAPHY] 1970: Solem, A., Obituary. Fritz Haas. -- The Journal of Conchology, 27: 182. [BIOGRAPHY] 1970: Zilch, A., Fritz Haas (1886-1969). -- Archiv für Molluskenkunde, 100: 1-17. [PORTRAIT; BIBLIOGRAPHY] - Edit

  • On October 20, 1967, The Field Museum honored Dr. Haas, Curator Emeritus of Lower Invertebrates, as he began his 60th year as a published scientist. At that time Dr. Alan Solem wrote a review which was published as a special supplement to the Chicago Shell Club's Newsletter, and which we quote here. In it Dr. Solem told of Dr. Has' two "lifetime" careers -- one of more than thirty years at the Natur-Museum Senckenbeg in Frankfurt, Germany, and the second of "only" twenty-nine years at The Field Museum of Natural History. At that time Dr. Solem remarked: "Few people have had a distinguishecd career of thirty working years. We are proud and grateful that Fritz Haas' second thirty-year career is being spent at The Field Museum of Natural History." Fritz Haas published his first papers, on freshwater clams, on October 20, 1907. On October 20 of 1967 he was waiting for page proof of two long papers -- on freshwater clams. In the intervening years he had written over 275 technical articles and books; included in these papers were descriptions of 385 new species and genera of mollusks. It was in mid-1936 that Fritz Haas, a gentle and kindly man, had to leave his job in Frankfurt, the growing governmental persecution of people belonging to the Jewish faith having penetrated even into the museums. He arrived in the United States during the depression; it was only after considerable difficulties that The Field Museum was able to appoint him Curator of Lower Invertebrates on August 1, 1938. Dr. Haas came to a museum that had never had an invertebrate zoologist, whose only mollusk collection consisted of leftover display material from the Columbian Exposition of 1893, and which lacked most of the specialized molluscan literature. With the strong backing of the administration and Museum President Stanley Field, he began to develop library and collection facilities. With only part-time student help, he reclassified and relabelled all existing invertebrate specimens, processed new collections, and by 1956 had registered 55,000 sets of shells. The library was now the finest west of the Atlantic seaboard. A linguist, with a working knowledge of twelve tongues, and after a lifetime of voracious reading, he served as a major staff resource. Since 1938, librarians and scientists depended upon him for help with European references, cryptically abbreviated locality labels, and letters for translation ... When Alan Solem was appointed Assistant Curator in 1957 it marked his first time in his working career that Dr. Haas had a full-time associate or assistant. Progressively freed from routine duties and administrative responsibilities, Fritz Haas devoted mornings to indentifying and cataloging, afternoons to research. Until he suffered a stroke in late 1965, he processed about 5,000 sets a year into the collection. a condensation of "Museum Honors Senior Scientist" by Alan Solem; Chicago Shell Club Newsletter, December, 1967. From The New York Shell Club Notes #158, Jan. 1970. - Edit

  • Fritz Haas 4 January 1886 - 26 December 1969 Born: Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany. Died: Chicago, Illinois. Occupation: Malacologist. Keeper of Invertebrate Zoology, Natur-Museum Senckenberg, Frankfurt, Germany, 1911-36 (forced removal by the Nazis 30 June 1936); Curator of Lower Invertebrates, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 1938-1959. Education: Ph.D. Heidelberg. Received his training in biology through herpetolgist and malacologist Oscar Böttger and malacologist Wilhelm Kobelt. Research Interests: Unionacea, freshwater and landsnails. Travels: Norway 1910; Pyrenees, Spain, France 1914-19 (in exile); southern Africa 1931-32 (as a member of the Schomburgk expedition); Brazil 1937; Bermuda, Cuba, Canada. Remarks: President of AMU 1950. Married Helene Ganz 30 March 1922. Fritz Haas was one the giants in the study of unionids worldwide and his monumental publication "Superfamilia Unionacea. 1969. - Edit

  • 1910-1912. member Malacological Society of London - Frankfurt-am-Main 1917. member Malacological Society of London - ditto - Edit

  • 1947 J.Q. Burch's Directory of Conchologists 1948 J.Q. Burch's Directory of Conchologists 1954 J.Q. Burch' s Directory of Conchologists Chicago Museum of Natural History marine, land & freshwater shells - Edit

  • 1966 R.E. Petit's Directory of Conchologists - Chicago, IL 1968 R.E. Petit's Directory of Conchologists " South American land & freshwater shells; worldwide Unionidae 1970 R.E. Petit's Directory of Conchologists - Hollywood, FL land & freshwater mollusks; worldwide Unionids - Edit

  • Naturmuseum Senckenberg Haas, Fritz (born January 4, 1886 Frankfurt am Main), Dr. phil., Curator at SMF 1.4.1910-1.7.1936, Curator at Field Museum Chicago 1.8.1938-31.12.1958. Editor of the mollusks of the Sunda expedition of the Frankfurt Geography and Statistics Association (Elbert1909), Spain (1914-1919), Schomburgk expedition to Inner Africa (1931/32), NE-Brazil (1937, Haas, O. Schubart, R. von Ihering) and the Unioniden in Martini-Chemnitz, Conch. Cab. (1910-1920). Editor of the "Archive for Molluscology", together with W. Wenz (1920-1936). [see. Zilch & Solem1966, Arch. Moll., 95: 1-2] - Edit


Books and Publications by F. Haas

  • 1910-1920. Haas F. Die Unioniden. Neubearbeitung und Fortsetzung der K Source Marco Taviani - Edit

  • 1910. Haas, F. . Die Unioniden. Neubearbeitung und Fortsetzung der Küsterschen und Clessinschen Monographien von Unio und Anodonta. - Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet von Martini und Chemnitz 9 (2 (2)): 1-344, Taf. 1-73, 12a. Nürnberg. Source - Edit

  • 1910. Haas, F. . Pseudunio, neues Genus für Unio sinuatus Lam. - Nachrichtsblatt der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 42 (4): 181-183. Source - Edit

  • 1910. Haas, F. Neue Najaden. Nachrichtsblatt der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft. 42: 97-103 Source Marco Taviani - Edit

  • 1911. Kobelt, W. & Haas, F. Iconographie der Land- & Süsswasser-Mollusken mit vorzüglicher Berücksichtigung der europäischen noch nicht abgebildeten Arten von E. A. Rossmässler. Neue Folge. Siebzehnter Band. - pp. 1-60, Taf. 451-480. Wiesbaden. (Kreidel). Source - Edit

  • 1915. Boettger C.R.; Haas F., Beiträge zur Molluskenfauna des Sudans.pp. 14 + 1 dbl pl. Zool- Jahrb., Abt. Syst., Geogr. und Biol. der Tiere, 38(6). Source - Edit

  • 1917. Haas F. Consideraciones sobre medios y fines investigación zoogeográfica. pp. 58. Treballs del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona, Vol. 1(6). Source - Edit

  • 1918-1926. Haas F.Contribuciò a la fauna malacológica de Catalunyia + Contribución a la malacofauna catalana Adiciones y Rectificaciones. 2 pp. 3+6. Bull. Inst. Catalana Hist. Nat. Source - Edit

  • 1920. Arturo Bofill y Poch; F Haas. Conca del Llobregat. Barcelona. Museu de ciències naturals. Tremballs. Estudi sobre la Malacologia de les valls Pirenaiques V. 450 pages Source - Edit

  • 1922. Haas F. Bemerkungen über asiatischen Najaden, im Anschlusse an die von Dr. M. Kreyenberg in der chinesischen Provinz Tschili gesammelten Binnenmollusken., pp. 30 + 3 pls. Abh. Ber. Mus. Nat. - u. Heimatk. Magdeburg, 3(4) Source - Edit

  • 1923. Haas, F. . Beiträge zu einer Monographie der asiatischen Unioniden. - Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 38 (2): 129-203. Source - Edit

  • 1924. Haas, F. . Beitrag zur Molluskenfauna des unteren Ebrogebietes. - Archiv für Molluskenkunde 56 (4): 137-160, Taf. VIII [= 8]. Source - Edit

  • 1925. Haas, F. . Beiträge zur Mollsukenfauna Kataloniens. Zusätze und Berichtigungen. - Archiv für Molluskenkunde 57 (5/6): 234-240. Source - Edit

  • 1926. Haas, F. . 12. Gastropoda (excl. Nacktschnecken). - In: Mertens, R.: Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise nach den Pelagischen Inseln und Sizilien (pp. 225-271). - Senckenbergiana 8 (5/6): 271. Source - Edit

  • 1932. Haas F. Die Kobeltsche Bearbeitung der von C.V. Erlanger in N.O. Afrika gesammelten Mollusken - Berichtigungen und Nachtràge. pp. 13 with 1 pl. Senckenbergiana, 14(3) Source - Edit

  • 1933. Haas, F. . Bemerkungen über und Neubeschreibungen von Heliciden aus Zypern und Palästina. - Senckenbergiana 15: 25-31. Frankfurt am Main. Source - Edit

  • 1934. Haas, F. . Kurze Bemerkungen III. - Archiv für Molluskenkunde 66 (6): 354-357. Source - Edit

  • 1934. Haas, F. . Über einige Landschnecken von Zypern. - Senckenbergiana 16 (1): 16-21. Frankfurt am Main. Source - Edit

  • 1935. Haas, F. . Kurze Bemerkungen V. - Archiv für Molluskenkunde 67 (3): 107-112. Source - Edit

  • 1935. Haas, F., Beschreibung neuer Untergattungen und Arten von Mollusken. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 109(7-8): 188-195 Source - Edit


Named after F. Haas

  • Bostryx (Bostryx) haasi Weyrauch, 1960 Peru Marco TavianiEdit

  • Columbinia (Pfeifferiella) haasi Weyrauch,1957 Peru Marco TavianiEdit

  • Llaucanianus haasi Weyrauch, 1967 Peru Marco TavianiEdit

  • Naesiotus haasi Weyrauch, 1956 Peru Marco TavianiEdit

  • Systrophia (Systrophia) haasi Weyrauch,1960 Peru Marco TavianiEdit


Described Species by F. Haas

  • Bathybermudia carynae F. Haas, 1949 Marco TavianiEdit

  • Bocageia (Lubricetta) rollei F. Haas, 1928 Marco TavianiEdit

  • Bulimulus inconspicuus F. Haas, 1949 Marco TavianiEdit

  • Diplodon losadae F. Haas, 1966 Marco TavianiEdit

  • gen. Bathybermudia F. Haas, 1949 Turridae Marco TavianiEdit

  • gen. Josephinella F. Haas, 1936 Helicidae Marco Taviani Edited by Tom RiceEdit

  • gen. Kionoptyx F. Haas, 1966 Bulimulidae Marco Taviani Edited by Tom RiceEdit

  • gen. Nesiberus F. Haas, 1934 Helicidae Marco Taviani Edited by Tom RiceEdit

  • gen. Nyassunio F. Haas, 1936 - Unionidae Marco TavianiEdit

  • gen. Pressidens F. Haas, 1910 Marco TavianiEdit

  • gen. Thaumatogulella F. Haas, 1951 Streptaxiidae Marco TavianiEdit

  • gen. Unionella F. Haas, 1913 Marco TavianiEdit

  • gen. Unionetta F. Haas, 1955 Marco TavianiEdit

  • Hyridella sentaniensis F. Haas, 1924 Marco TavianiEdit

  • Kionoptyx sagasteguii Haas, 1966 Tom RiceEdit

  • Lubricetta rollei F. Haas, 1928 Marco TavianiEdit

  • Ptychorhynchus laevis F. Haas, 1910 Marco TavianiEdit

  • subgen. Digulella F. Haas, 1934 Gulella Streptaxidae Marco Taviani Edited by Tom RiceEdit

  • subgen. Lindholmomneme F. Haas, 1936 Euomphalia Hygromiidae Marco Taviani Edited by Tom RiceEdit

  • subgen. Scabies F. Haas, 1911 - Unionidae Marco TavianiEdit

Note from Tom Rice: genera used on this page are from the original discription where possible, no genera will be updated to the latest WORMS info,
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