WMSDB | Conchology

WMSDB - Worldwide Mollusc Species DataBase

By Dr. Claudio Galli - Genova, Italy
             Taxon Tree:
                       BIVALVIA [Class]
                                 HETERODONTA [Subclass]
                                         LUCINIDA [Order]
                                                 LUCINIDAE [Family]

5580000000 5580000005 5580000010 5580000015 5580000020 5580000035 5580000040 5580000050 5580000055 7090000001 5580050010 5580250000 5580350005 5580350015 5580350025 5580350030 5580350050 5580350055 5580350060 5580450000 5580450005 5580450010 5580450015 5580450020 5580450025 5580450030 5580600000 5580800000 5580800010 5580800015 5580800020 5580800025 5580800030 5580800035 5580900005 5580900010 5581000000 5581000010 5581000015 5581000020 5581100000 5581100005 5581200015 5581200025 5581200035 5581350005 5581450000 5581450010 5581450045 5581450050 5581600000 5581850010 5581850015 5581850020 5581850030 5581850035 5582500000 5582500015 5582500025 5582500030 5582650000 5582650010 5582850000 5582850048 5582850120 5582850152 5582850176 5582850200 5582850216 5582850232 5582850248 5582850256 5582850264 5582850296 5582850320 5582850336 5582850344 5582850368 5582850376 5582850384 5582850432 5582850544 5582850552 5582850560 5582850568 5582850600 5582850632 5582850648 5582850664 5582850688 5582850692 5582850696 5582850700 5582850704 5582850714 5582850717 5582850720 5582850721 5582850739 5582850743 5582850744 5582850745 5582850757 5582850758 5582850760 5582850773 5582850779 5582850785 7090000004 7090000006 7090000009 7090000017 7090000022 7090000028 7090000029 7090000030 7090000031 7090000032 7090000033 7090000036 7090000037 7090000040 7090000041 7090000044 7090000046 7090000047 7090000049 7090000076 7090000077 7090000085 7090000089 7090000101 7094000003 7094000009 7094000010 5582850008 5580350035 5581450030 5590000000 5582850160 5580900015 7192000039 7192000043 7192000051 7204000025 7204000034 7330000415 5582850488 5582850624 7090000026 7190000003 7286000039 7286000067 7330000082 7330000083 7330000084 7330000085 7330000088 7330000089 7330000090 7330000091 7330000093 7330000094 7330000095 7330000096 7330000099 7330000100 7330000101 7330000103 7330000104 7330000108 7330000112 7330000113 7330000114 7330000116 7330000117 7330000118 7330000119 7330000120 7330000122 7330000125 7330000129 7330000133 7330000134 7330000135 7330000137 7330000138 7330000140 7330000141 7330000142 7330000146 7330000148 7330000151 7330000152 7330000157 7330000158 7330000162 7330000163 7330000165 7330000168 7330000172 7330000173 7330000177 7330000178 7330000181 7330000185 7330000188 7330000190 7330000191 7330000192 7330000193 7330000194 7330000199 7330000201 7330000203 7330000205 7330000206 7330000207 7330000209 7330000211 7330000216 7330000218 7330000221 7330000222 7330000223 7330000226 7330000227 7330000228 7330000231 7330000238 7330000239 7330000241 7330000242 7330000243 7330000246 7330000247 7330000249 7330000254 7330000257 7330000258 7330000259 7330000261 7330000266 7330000269 7330000275 7330000277 7330000280 7330000282 7330000283 7330000284 7330000287 7330000292 7330000293 7330000295 7330000297 7330000302 7330000305 7330000307 7330000308 7330000310 7330000311 7330000312 7330000314 7330000315 7330000316 7330000317 7330000321 7330000324 7330000326 7330000327 7330000329 7330000333 7330000339 7330000340 7330000347 7330000350 7330000351 7330000357 7330000358 7330000366 7330000367 7330000369 7330000370 7330000372 7330000376 7330000377 7330000379 7330000381 7330000382 7330000385 7330000386 7330000387 7330000388 7330000390 7330000391 7330000392 7330000394 7330000395 7330000396 7330000397 7330000403 7330000406 7330000408 7330000414 7330000446 7330000447 7330000462 7330000464 7330000465 7330000466 7330000478 7330000516 7330000520 7330000571 7330000581 7330000585 7330000593 7330000602 7330000603 7330000606 7330000607 7330000611 7330000614 7330000658 7330000667 7330000673 7330000675 7330000679 7330000683 7330000689 7330000707 7330000721 7330000742
Note :
  • red squares show Living species, yellow squares show Fossil species
  • please note that this is not the complete coverage of this family the Data Base is not exaustive and only one specimen per species has been georeferenced
  • this map is only the graphic summary of the WMSDB Data Base up to now
© 1994 - 2024 Guido T. Poppe & Philippe Poppe - Conchology, Inc. (0.044 seconds.)